How To

How to Create a Vacation-Proof Garden {for beginners}

  Do you want to go on vacation but have a garden, too? I know the frustration here. It never failed. Whenever I wanted to go on vacation, our garden was at its peak. Green beans that needed canning, sweet corn to freeze, or potatoes to hill. Something needed to change. I decided a few… Continue reading How to Create a Vacation-Proof Garden {for beginners}

How To

How To Start Seeds Inside Using These Amazingly Simple Tips

Are you anxious to start playing in the dirt in your garden? I know I am! Warm weather always gives me the itch! One of the ways that I overcome the desire to place tender little plants outside too early is to start seeds inside. This helps me get my “fix” to see green after a… Continue reading How To Start Seeds Inside Using These Amazingly Simple Tips

How To

Using the Phases of the Moon to Grow a Better Garden

Sounds like magic doesn’t it? Looking at the phases of the moon to determine when to plant. Or maybe it seems too old fashioned since we are in the second decade of the new millennia and technology dominates our daily lives. However, my grandma would say it doesn’t matter what year it is. Grandma would… Continue reading Using the Phases of the Moon to Grow a Better Garden