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Large Batch Valentine’s Snack Mix: Perfect for Classroom Treat Bags!

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Large Batch Valentine's Snack MixLooking for a last minute treat bag idea for Valentine’s Day? Large Batch Valentine’s Snack Mix is the way to go! It’s as easy as dump, mix, and scoop! Parents will love that you aren’t filling their kids up with too many sweets, and you’ll love the ease with which the mix goes together. Love yourself, make your life easier, and stir up my Large Batch Valentine’s Snack Mix pronto! 🙂

Large Batch Valentine’s Snack Mix Recipe…

So our son has decided that he has to be on every committee for party planning this school year. Every. Single. One. “What does that mean?” you ask? It means that for every classroom party our son has asked me to make a treat for his class. No biggie. For Halloween, I sent in homemade individual cups of dirt dessert, at Christmas it was homemade brownie truffle bites. However, something like 10 kids were on the Christmas party committee…wow was that a lot of sugar!!! I’m opting for a less demanding, less sugary, treat bag for his Valentine’s party. It’s still festive, but super-duper fast.

Large Batch Valentine's Snack Mix

Let me be honest. I’m tired. This is my last Valentine’s Day party with my kids. I suppose a part of me is in denial that I’ve gotten this old, but there’s another part of me that feels like jumping for joy a bit. (Does this make me a bad parent?) No more nagging to get the Valentines cut out, folded, licked, stickered, labeled, etc. No more stress about a Valentine’s box. Yes, I’ll miss my sweet little elementary school child, but there is a lot of work that goes into grade school.

With more sports practices, extracurricular activities, and bigger homework demands, I no longer feel the need to make something cutsie for classroom parties. My self from ten years ago would gasp at that statement. Don’t get me wrong…it’s still going to be homemade, gosh darn it! Just a lot simpler than the reindeer cupcakes I made one year with the M&M eyes and pretzel antlers, and little piped faces. 🙂

Large Batch Valentine's Snack Mix

The Process…

Get out your largest bowl. A Thatsa bowl from Tupperware would be super! Next, dump everything in and stir. Using a one cup dry measuring cup, scoop servings into decorated ziptop snack bags I found at Walmart. Twenty-five kids’ treat bags done in less than twenty minutes. AMAZING! 🙂

Large Batch Valentine's Snack Mix

I hope you’ll try my recipe and let me know what you think. Our son seemed impressed. 🙂

This recipe is an update to my original Large Batch Holiday Snack Mix. If you have more time, you might consider making my Oatmeal Cut-Out Cookies with Coconut Glaze or my Grandma’s Lemon Bars. 🙂

Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day! Try not to eat too many sweets! 🙂

If you’d like to see what products I used to create my Large Batch Valentine’s Snack Mix, please see below. I’ve also included a few ideas for fun packaging. 🙂 Please know, these contain affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission on any sales, at no extra cost to you. The income I earn helps to pay for maintaining my blog. Thank you so much for your support!

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